I am seriously concerned about Harris winning by a landslide in the popular vote but losing the electoral college. The Russians are interfering brazenly in this election, there are boards of elections around the country who’ve said they will not certify a Harris victory. It will all likely end up in this extraordinarily corrupt Supreme Court. I still remember Bush/Gore. I’m trying hard not to be pessimistic but I was trained to prepare for the worst and expect it.

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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs agoAuthor

Fetzer, I share your concern!

But if Harris wins by 4% or more, odds are that she will win the electoral college as well. It's highly annoying that the antiquated electoral colllege blocks majority rule even a little. I hope the Popular Vote Interstate Compact will be in place by 2028! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact

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It’s game over. Joe! Oh I mean Kamala…polls standing strong!! Lookin good Billie-Tay! Let’s hope the cheat isn’t in like 2000 and 2016. Ask Hill.

A couple things. The war in Ukraine. Remember. The one we provoked by expanding NATO yet again and failing to negotiate when Russia offered. A million casualties. Talk about genocide. I wonder if Joe thought about those families when he passed on peace.

Even scarier, the Ukraine is losing. Russia has stated they will declare war on us and NATO if we approve long range artillery. Realtime. War. The Russia ambassador says they will hit into the heart of America. Real war. Oh. Trump wants peace, what does Kamala want? What do her supporters like you want notwithstanding the polls?

BTW great debate, I can’t get over how prepared Kamala was and the fact checking. Almost like she knew what was coming. The glorious polls! So smooth. Like 16.

Don’t tell anyone but, Hunter couldn’t make this up. The day before the debate. A new whistleblower. No way.

We need forever war to save democracy Jim. Kamala ;) lookin strong in NC Billie-Ray :) Stay away from the sixth hole Louis :)


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I would love to hear your thoughts on this, I believe the polls are very wrong, but I explain:


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