Someone wisely said: Biden's opponent is not Trump but the couch..." Biden imprinted the impression of feebleness in our collective psyches at the debate. His inability to counter Trump's lies gave Trump a bonus hate rally event and prestige he doesn't deserve. There was nothing inspiring for young Americans to attach to or care about... sitting this one out on the couch is becoming an enticing alternative to choosing between either a good or a bad geriatric.

It is true that we make political decisions viscerally rather than logically. The image of a dottering, confused Biden cannot be unseen and embedded impressions are extremely difficult to modify. Realistically, there can be no "comeback" for Biden because if there is not an immediate infusion of 'new blood' in the race, the couch will win and the nation will lose by default. That Biden has become erratic - confused one day and focused the next simply adds to the anxiety and is not a plus. We need to let go of our fantasy and embrace a 'Plan B' pronto.

Yes, an open convention will be chaotic, but that can also be stimulating and exciting (the opposite of Biden's debate performance). Biden can endorse his successor and campaign for a new, vigorous Democratic leadership. The convention can be a controlled explosion and the chaotic energy channelled into voter enthusiasm rather than curled in a helpless fetal position on the couch. This is not personal... there are enough "Anyone But Trump" folks out there itching for a reason to vote. Biden has a long track record but also a lot of baggage which he added to immensely at the debate. It is time to clear the decks and give the public a youthful, enthusiastic candidate they are craving. Biden didn't "fail" at the debate, he committed public suicide. Let's honor his service with a worthy successor.

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Jun 29Liked by Jim Buie

here, here! thank you fellow realist ~ i am always energized by this kind of thinking.

how can people not see that reading from a teleprompter yelling to appear strong is not what it appears, but the debate sadly is clearly what is.

My younger voting-age daughter has many acquaintances and co-workers who are sharing major disappointment and shock after the debate and may sit out a Biden election. Whether it is ageism or not we can't afford to not have all the vote we can that are out there.

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Jim, you did a stellar job of making the case for Joe Biden, and of course, I’ll cheer just as loudly for a Democratic victory in November as you will. But the Raleigh event was completely different from the abysmal debate. Let’s not forget a few words in the Times: “Over about 20 minutes — and with the help of a teleprompter and an enthusiastic crowd — he rarely missed a beat.”

My optimal scenario would be for Biden to withdraw in favor of a younger and more vigorous candidate who could govern with a high percentage of advisors picked up from the current administration. Remember, voters like Biden‘s policies more than they do the man himself, and the right successor could offer some comforting continuity. Biden would protect his impressive legacy and avoid being the presidential equivalent of Ruth Bader Ginsburg – another heroic figure, who, alas, unwittingly gave the Republicans an extra seat on the Supreme Court.

The problem with Joe Biden isn’t that he can’t govern. It’s that he most likely can’t win.

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Jun 29Liked by Jim Buie

Unless something dramatic happens, I fear that Trump will win in November. Let's do two things at one time. Continue to work for Biden, and be sure we elect Dems to Congress. If Joe wins, he will benefit. If Trump wins, as long as one house is Democratic, we can blunt his legislative agenda. And of course, in NC we have our own Trump to defeat (Robinson).

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Very well reasoned. Thank you. Looks like it's the season for more informed voters to actually change the dialogue away from fear and into factual understandings of what Biden has done for 40 years and is perfectly capable of continuing to do. He is honest about himself and we should be honest about him and his wisdom and experience.

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I watched some of his rally . Someone posted a link on this site . I was shocked , the man I saw as lost and feeble less than 12 hours ago was strong and full of energy . My question now is is it to late , For me he will always have my vote , Because I love democracy . For many others The night of debate and right after Many were going to vote Trump . Why I don't know almost all he said was lies and if he didn't like a question he just kept making up things . I am not smart or bright , But have read 2025 And can say that is a dictatorship . So for all you people that think I am dumb For sticking with Biden . Look up tariffs se how they are paid , no doubt prices are higher but coming down now , Yet vote Trump they will shoot way up on everything. Yes there are places with wars now ,Vote for Trump there will be ww3 because he is to dumb to realize Putin and Kim played him like a fool . No more ACA no more social security hell most likely no more voting . If I was Bide would ask for another debate Asap , that is in front of people . Great article Jim

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I agree totally with Jim. Biden is the figurehead for American values, freedom for everyone, and equal justice under the law. Yes, he was terrible in the debate, but he has a great administration, and if he dies in his first year Harris is more than competent to take over and keep our vision of America going. Vote on the future, not on the old man.

I think if the Dems focus on women’s rights, LBGTQ rights, worker’s rights, the right to vote, the right to learn history, and the right to not be subservient to a rich oligarchy they will win big. They have been winning in every election, including those to protect abortions.

ALSO: besides Biden’s terrible performance, the debates showed how Trump can talk long and loud, but everything he says is so totally untrue that it is not just a lie it’s a break from reality. Nancy Pelosi did not admit she caused Jan 6. Trump DID say that soldiers are suckers. Trump did have sex with Stormy Daniels. Immigrants are not coming from jails and mental hospitals. Trump is a convicted felon and has to pay a $half BILLION for fraud. Trump lost the election. Trump appointed extremist authoritarians to the Supreme Court. Trump has felons working with him to help him align with Putin. Putin is probably supporting Trump’s campaign but the money is well hidden. Biden is a great president from 10 to 4. I don’t know when he wakes up from his nap, but he has great people doing their jobs while he sleeps. Trump has Stephan Miller and Steve Bannon, who is going to jail next week.

ALSO: I bet that Biden will blow Trump away in the September debate.

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